El fin de semana pasado estuve comiendo en un restaurante que también tiene tienda (es fácil imaginar cual) y las vi. Les eché un vistazo antes de comer. Me parecieron muy simpáticas, tan recogidas y perfectas, tan pequeñas.
Al terminar la comida y volver a pasar por el lugar donde estaban decidí que me llevaría una.
Le regalé otra a Mafiosa. Se supone que estas muñecas debes regalarlas. La mía me la regalé a mí misma, de vez en cuando hay que tener un buen gesto con una misma...
No es artesanal aunque me gusta mucho. Queda muy bien en el alféizar de la ventana al lado de mi mesa, recortando la luz que entra a sus espaldas.
Probablemente más adelante me haga con una artesanal, como manda la tradición original.
Caught by a kokeshi
Last weekend I was eating at a shop & restaurant and then I saw them. I took a look before the lunch. They seemed very nice, so collected and perfect, so small.
Last weekend I was eating at a shop & restaurant and then I saw them. I took a look before the lunch. They seemed very nice, so collected and perfect, so small.
When we finished the meal we went pass them and then I decided I would buy one. I gave one to Mafia Lady. It is assumed that you must give these dolls to someone. Mine was given to myself; sometimes it's necessary to have a good gesture to yourself.
It's not a handicraft but I like it very much. Looks good on the windowsill, next to my desk, cutting the light coming behind it.
Probably in the near I buy a handicraft's one, as the original tradition dictates.